About the Research Team
Project Director: Ross E. Cheit

Ross Cheit graduated from the University of California with a law degree and a PhD, later becoming a Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at Brown University in 1987. In 2014, he was appointed to the Rhode Island Ethics Commission in 2004, and elected chair in 2011. After 35 years in academia, Ross Cheit will be retiring from Brown University following the 2023 academic year.
The broad scope of Cheit’s work includes criminal justice, children and public policy, ethics and public policy, and the politics of food. Since 1995, Cheit has worked tirelessly to improve the academic and political atmosphere surrounding recovered memories. Besides managing the recovered memory project and writing academic articles on the subject, Chiet published his second book, The Witch-Hunt Narrative: Politics, Psychology, and the Sexual Abuse of Children in 2014. Cheit is working on an upcoming publication on the politics of fisheries and seafood in the United States. He resides in Rhode Island with his wife, where he enjoys long bike rides and lunches at the Brown Faculty Club.
Team Members
Arthi Krishnaswami
UX Architect
A.B. Brown University (‘00)
M. Des. Carnegie Mellon (‘06)
Silver Mckie
Research Assistant
A.B Psychology & A.B. Contemplative Studies
Brown University 2022
Edie Elliot Granger
Research Assistant
Degree, Brown University 2022
Sage Matsushima
Web & Graphic Designer
A.B Computer Science & A.B. Visual Arts
Brown University 2023
Sofia Boracci
Research Assistant
A.B American Studies & A.B. English Brown University 2022
Nara Benoit Kornhauser
Research Assistant & Web Design
Degree, Brown University 2022